You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.9. REPORTS Menu > 1.9.2. Reports - Report Generator > Report Generator - Edit Menu > Edit - Add Field > Adding Text Fields
Adding Text Fields 

Text fields are instances of fixed text which appear on the report - for example, the word "Page" which is printed on the top right hand corner of each page of the report.

Text field types can be added to any section of the report except for the Question section.

To add a text field to a report:

  1. Display the Select Field Type screen.

Refer to "Edit - Add Field".

  1. Select the Text option then select OK.

Micronet displays the Edit Text screen.


Technical Tip

You can display this screen quickly by selecting the Text Tool on the Report Generator toolbar and then clicking on the report where you want the text field to be added.

  1. Complete the following fields:






Enter the text to appear on the report, e.g. "Page".



Select a relation for the text, i.e. the text only appears when that relation is in use.


Print Logic

Enter any condition where the text is to be printed if the condition is valid.

For example, this would be used in the invoice format where you only want the Sales Tax field to be shown if the debtor is a wholesale debtor. Therefore in the Print Logic field of the Sales Tax field on the report, you would enter:

DBT_RETAIL = =  'W'.

This will only print the field when the debtor is a wholesale debtor.

0 = Does not print


Under Line

Select whether you want a single or double line to be printed on the report before or after your text field, or select No for no line.

  1. Select the Accept button.

Micronet redisplays the Report Generator screen for the selected report. If you used the Text Tool to insert the text field, the field displays where you clicked.

If you used menu options to insert the text field, Micronet displays a rectangle which moves with the cursor.

  1. Move the rectangle where you want your text field to be printed and then click.

Micronet inserts the text field on the report where you clicked.

  1. You can move the text field by clicking the Select Tool on the Report Generator toolbar, clicking inside the field you just added and then dragging it to the required position on the report.

  1. To edit the field you just added, refer to "Edit - Edit Field".
  2. To delete the field you just added, refer to "Edit - Delete Field".